Refineries & Petrochemicals
For decades our customers have relied Evonik's refinery additive solutions to eliminate and repurpose petroleum by-product gas contaminants across the petrochemical value chain.
Our leading position in interfacial chemistry, broad product technology, global technical service and distribution network makes Evonik a valuable partner for the refining industries. Our TEGO® Sulpho release agents and TEGO® Antifoams help Oil and Gas processers to meet increasingly challenging environmental targets by delivering the high-performance our customers need for eliminating and repurposing contaminants from petroleum by-product gases.
TEGO® Sulpho release agents and TEGO® Antifoams enhance the elimination and repurposing of the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO2) contaminants found in the by-product gases, and raw natural gasses from petroleum processing.
TEGO® Sulpho release agents enhance the production and guarantee the final quality and hemispherical shape of the sulphur pastilles leaving only the lowest amount of water in the final product. The cooled down sulphur can be easily removed from the conveyor belts and sulphur pastilles made with TEGO® Sulpho show fewer brittle edges, so the amount of dust is reduced. For decades the sulphur processing industry has relied on our products and professional support.
With increasing requirements for industrial sulphur pastillizing, this success story continues through our unique partnership with Sandvik where our re-engineered TEGO® Sulpho 2 technology sets a new benchmark in terms of efficiency and performance.
Benefits of TEGO® Sulpho 2 release agents
- Homogeneous and stable aqueous solution
- Excellent release properties
- Improved sprayability and shear stability
- Better solubility in water and handling of the pastilles (no dust)
- Continuous operation and uniform sulphur pastille shape
- Reduced fixed costs due to less maintenance and easier handling in the range of 10%
- Special design for IPCO spray system to ensure long term efficiency
- Non sticking sulphur – increased productivity